Nigerian Dwarf Goats

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New kids are on the sales page. We are expecting more kids in Spring of 2014. Please let us know if you would like to be added to contact list for new kids. Generally does are $400, bucks are $250 each or $75 as wethers. Exceptional individuals may be priced accordingly. 

Shipping of kids and piglets


In April of 2008, we sold all of our grade pygmy goats and bought 4 registered Nigerian Dwarf goats. They are wonderful little goats and our kids had a wonderful time bottle feeding them.

When the does kid, we milk them daily. We stall the kids at night and let them out with the does during the day. This allows them to get plenty of mothers milk as well as giving us all that we need. Josey and Jessie love the goats milk. I am not a milk drinker, but I enjoy a glass myself.  We won an electric Dazey churn on Ebay and have been making our own butter and buttermilk as well.
On 5/30/2009 we brought home two more doelings to add to our small herd.  You can see the spots on the white one, but what you can't see in this picture is that the black one has just as many on her.


Sadly, we lost our little black doeling to a dog attack. 


After we lost our little black doe, we found Sam on craigslist. Her owners were moving to town and had to find home for all of their animals.  She is very protective of the goats and sheep. She has done a good job for us so far, even if she is a bit playful with the buck and ram at times.
In May 2010,  Sam had a litter of puppies.  The one male, the solid white one, and one of the girls are staying here. The other puppies have already been sold. 

                                                                             AGS Rosasharn's TL Summer SOL D-20887            
                                     AGS Rosasharn SS Sequoia D1396610
                                                                              AGS Rosasharns's UMT Sassafras D1344070
"Little Tots Estate Seq Bill" D1465135
                                                                              AGS Creek Road Envoy D1329679
                                     AGS Little Tots Estate Ginko D1372552
                                                                              AGS Enchanted Hill Lily Swap D-18115


This is our new buck that came from Lil' Hill Farm. We couldn't be happier with him. We are so anxious to see what we get from him and our young girls in the future.

Lil' Hill Farm T Chips Ahoy



                                       AGS Caesar's Villa CBS Cowpoke D1321188
                                     AGS Promisedland CP Zippo D1329683
                                                                              AGS Caesar's Villa GD Zippy D-11132
"Little Tots Estate Buttermilk" D1465133
                                                                              AGS Buttin'Heads Cardiologist   D-16335
                                     AGS Brush Creek Goodness D1410178
                                                                              AGS Caesar's Villa Pl Golden Glow D-13438


                                                                             AGS Caesar's Villa Felicia's Levi AGS D-221847            
                                     AGS Caesar's Villa LV Eric  D1354486
                                                                              AGS Ceasar's Villa Pons Ebony AGS D-8641
"Little Tots Estate Cream" D1507938
                                                                              AGS Woodhaven Farms Divine Appt.  D1329686
                                     AGS Echo Point Willow  D1410209
                                                                              AGS Enchanted Hill Magpie AGS D-9363


                                                                             AGS Rosasharn SS Sequoia  D1396610            
                                     Little Tots Estate Seq Bill D1465135
                                                                              AGS Little Tot's Estate Ginko D1372552
"LNL Minifarm Lulubelle" D1505519
                                                                             CH AGS Little Tot's Estate Tsuga D1357053
                                     Little Tots Estate Spectacular D1465134
                                                                              AGS Brush Creek Peace D1410183
                                                                             AGS Rosasharn CH Uproar D1373834            
                                     Rosasharn U.P. Papillion  D1399940
                                                                              AGS Rosasharn's TL Mariposa D1321586
"AL Thunder Delilah" D1515455 
                                                                              AGS Buttin'  Heads Zip Of Champagne.  D1321553
                                     Buttin' Heads Too Chamber Pot  D1329643
                                                                              AGS Buttin' Heads Too Bassonette D1329190
                                                                             AGS Rosasharn SS Sequoia D1396610            
                                     AGS LIttle Tot's Estate Valentine  D1474721
                                                                              AGS Little Tot's Estate Perovskia AGSD-28025
"Lil' Hill Farm V Desiree" D1499645 
                                                                              AGS Buttin'  Heads Galziping Ghost  D1320601
                                     Buttin' Heads Too Contredanse  D1329583
                                                                              AGS Buttin' Heads Too Deutsch Polka D1329418


                                                           AGS Rosasharn SS Sequoia  D1396610            
                                     Little Tots Estate Seq Bill D1465135
                                                                              AGS Little Tot's Estate Ginko D1372552
"LNL Minifarm Sassafras" D1515460
                                                                              AGS Promiseland CP Zippo D1329683
                                     Little Tots Estate Buttermilk D1465133
                                                                              AGS Brush Creek Goodness D1410178
pic soon LNL Jalopena
pic soon LNL Jabonera
LNL Platinum
LNL Cupcake
New doe from Little Tot Estate.